Monday, November 28, 2011

Surviving the Toddler Years, the Third Time Around

The Little General in our house brings daily laughter, as well as a heavy dose of "aaahh.... I'm gonna pull my hair out." He is 5 weeks away from turning 2 and I don't think there is enough coffee out there to help sustain me through those "trying two's." I'm always amazed at this stage of the toddler years how we as parents can be pushed to our maxed limits of exhaustion and yet still love our 2 year old more then life itself.

Since this is child number 3 in our house, I am somewhat more relaxed during certain temper tantrum episodes then I was with boy number 1. In fact, I find myself laughing a whole lot more over it all. In the spirit of laughter and joy over having a turbo toddler in my home, here is a list of what the Little General has been doing lately. Enjoy!

1. During a visit with the husbands extended family, whom we see about twice a year, Si felt the need to roll around under the table while we were eating dessert. I shared with the family, "I suppose this is the only time in life when you can get away with something like this and think it may be cute."

2. The Christmas tree.... large, full of childhood ornaments.... versus the almost two year old lacking every ounce of self control (because he IS only 2, right?). My response??? Lower all the unbreakables to the bottom of the tree and gently have at it.

3. It's time to get out of the car and walk to the door of the local Y, Simon has refused and is having his own personal sit in on the curb. "Quick, Elijah see if he will take YOUR hand instead of mine. Oh, looky he did! Great, now move quickly before he changes his mind!" Thank God for older brothers!

4. What? You want me to educate the kids, clean the house, make a homemade meal, and be showered somewhat daily? Ok baby... why not watch a third episode of Thomas the Train!

5. Food shopping with three kiddos, one of whom refuses to sit in the cart, calls for the big guns. "I'll give you a puppy if you sit in the seat? Or how about a granola bar? Never mind, let me open that bag of goldfish that we haven't bought yet."

For the record, I wouldn't trade being this little boys mama for anything in the world. I love him sooo stinkin much! But can I get an "amen" for nap time and bedtime??? I mean, thank you Jesus that toddlers need to sleep in the afternoon, I seriously think it was made for mama's to recharge even if it's only for an hour.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE nap time and it is one of my favorite parts of the day. When he wakes up I am ready for round two!!!!
