Thursday, November 17, 2011

Club Vs. Church

(*Beware... this post is not a fluff post. It is not meant to offend anyone and is does not reflect any particular church, including the one I attend or the ones I've attended in the past. This purely is something I'm am "working on" in my own thought process! Enjoy!!)

If you know me personally, you may know that I have been "chewing on" a topic for a long, long time. Is the American church, just a glorified club? And if so, what is it that God really wants for the church? I heard Kris Vallaton speak one time and he said you could go around to the different churches and cross out the word church and add club instead. He was so right!

A club has members, with perks. It has programs and fundraisers. Some clubs bring in special speakers that challenge its members to do something exciting.

How is that different from church?

I'm about to offend some of you so get ready...

I'm tired of clubs and churches. I am so ready for the authentic body of Christ to stand up, start living in true Acts community and learn to walk a real life of love. When and only when, that really happens we will actually see the spirit of God breakthrough corporately. Not only that, but we as a community of believers will become healthy and will be able to lovingly help others into a secure and loving place of faith in Christ.

An authentic body of Christ, chooses to walk in healing, forgiveness, and vulnerability. Those who desire all that they are to follow Jesus, will put aside their own selfish ways and thoughts and will want to have a teachable heart. And when, we as a body of Christ, live healed, forgiven, vulnerable, and teachable, then we will realize that we need our God and each other. Which means, we become more communal.


I'm sorry, but this is what burns on my heart. We were not meant to walk a Christian faith out by ourselves, in our own little families, attending our club once or twice a week. And because we as a community of believers tend to walk this way, we've placed a hand over the mouth of God and have prevented Him from blowing a fresh spring like wind into our churches.

So instead of just reading this and walking away from your computer, answer me in truth. Do you attend a club or a church? What does a true biblical church look like? How do we, the American Church, transtion into that?

I seriously want to hear your thoughts! As always, be kind!

1 comment:

  1. I think that this speaks volumes and I totally understand. I believe whole-heartedly in the need for church and community rather than clubs and cliques.

    It's a wonderful thought and I am glad you shared it!
