Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feeling Pretty from the Inside Out

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Right now, I'm sitting in Panera. It's my go to place. You know, the type of place you run to when somehow you've managed to escape the house, kids, bills, and anything else that may stress you out, Panera is my mini vacay for the day.

I had a date with Jesus this afternoon. If that sentence in and of itself wigs you out a bit, that's okay. My date included a third person who helped mediate. In layman's terms, I went to for a session at our church counseling department.

Yep, you read that correctly. I'm saying it out loud. I'm went to counseling. Oohhh, and this isn't my first time. It won't be my last time. And I'm so not ashamed of it at all.

Here's the deal. Mental health is as important as physical health. Mental health not only effects you, but it also effects your spouse and your children. Counseling is actually a smart and wise thing to do. You are not a wimp, an emotional wreck, or a chump if you go. Infact, if you so choose to go and deal with your emotions straight up, you are actually a super hero.

I was talking to my mom before I went in. She knows I do a check up with counseling every once in awhile. I was telling her how I realized that if I didn't deal with the issues of my heart directly then I was hurting my children and quite possibly my childrens children. She was my cheerleader at the time, telling me how proud she was that I was thinking that far down the road. If she could have, she would have slapped me high five.

The generations before us were taught that it was bad and wrong to deal with our emotions. Many of them either stuffed it down or turned to other means to deal with their own hurts. While I am far from an expert in the matter, I can tell you that ignoring the issues of your heart is like ignoring a large ugly open wound. It only gets worse.

The bible says that "wisdom seeks a multitude of counselors." It does not say, to deal with everything by yourself. When I sit down with a seasoned and wise friend, invite the Lord into our conversation, and then speak the truth of what I am struggling with, I find FREEDOM. I walk away knowing that I am loved by our true God. I grow in wisdom myself. I am softer, full of more compassion for others, and a better mom and wife. All because I agreed to deal with what was actually in my heart instead of ignoring it.

My date continued with a trip to a salon for a over due hair cut and eyebrow wax. Friends, I'm feeling happy from the inside out right now! Dealt with some heart issues, someone washed, cut and then brushed my hair, and now I'm sitting at Panera all. by. myself.

I should be floating home tonight!

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