Saturday, March 12, 2011

Discipline is...

I was visiting with a dear friend of mine. She was lamenting on the recent behaviors she was dealing with in her children. I shared some of my own discipline tips, including the ones that I would never do again!

I have a note on my fridge, it reads like this....

Discipline Is

~ strengthening
~ purifying
~ training
~ correcting
~ perfecting
~ done in LOVE with a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith

I keep that up on my fridge as a reminder for me. After last weeks discussion on how I get mad at God, I thought it would be good to let you know that He does discipline me.

Just like how I see in my children, the Lord sees in me areas that need to be refined, trained, and corrected. His way of disciplining me are always gentle, full of love, and with grace. His word encourages us that through discipline we will become wise instead of foolish.

I desire wisdom with my whole heart. Everything in me, wants to pass down a legacy of godly smarts to my children. I could spit in the face of worldly wisdom. That's harsh, I know. It is wisdom that only comes in a lengthy walk with Jesus, that I will fight for.

Regardless, as time moves on, children grow older, and I grow older too. My walk with Him continues to mature and I see how  to apply the real reason to discipline. It's not of anger or frustration, but done in love. There is a purpose and a goal in helping them to not choose the path of foolishness.

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